10 Horror Films Perfect For Valentine’s Day
1. Warm Bodies

Romance and zombies seems like a pretty niche genre of films, but that didn’t stop a small boom of them appearing in the early 2010s. Warm Bodies released in 2013, and has become the premier love story of this zombie-focused craze.
Nicholas Hoult stars as zombie ‘R’, who lives in an airport, unable to recall much about his past life, except for the fact his name begins with the letter R. Eating people’s brains is the only thing that keeps him alive, and it also lets him see the victim’s memories as he chows down. This leads to R falling for Julie (Teresa Palmer), as he recalls her boyfriend’s (Dave Franco) memories of her. It’s a weird concept that doesn’t sound like an immediate jump to romance can be made, but the film actually delivers an earnest execution of the ridiculous sounding ‘zombie falls for girl’ concept.
R playing slapsies with the limited movement of a zombie is just one example of the film’s great visual gags. The ‘funny’ dialogue never quite matches up to these laugh out moments, but thankfully doesn’t mar the rest of the film.
Turning a weird, unromantic sounding, teen flick into a sweet portrait of finding love in unconventional ways, Warm Bodies is way better than it has any right to be, and is a perfect inclusion in any Valentine’s movie night, horror fan or not.