10 Horror Films Perfect For Valentine’s Day

2. Let The Right One In

Warm Bodies
Magnet Releasing

One of the darkest stories on the list manages to be one of the most romantic as well. Let the Right One In is primarily a dark romance, but it makes use of vampire lore and imagery to drive its plot and provide a unique atmosphere.

The film takes place in a Stockholm suburb in 1982, and focuses on the 12 year old Oskar, and Eli, his new vampire neighbour. Any cute moments the two have are always contrasted by incredibly dark scenes. Like when they refer to each other as “going steady”, but then we get Eli nearly murdering someone soon after.

Eli helps Oskar try to overcome his bullies throughout the film, and we should be rooting for their triumph, but by the end you’ll be left wondering if Eli and Oskar don’t make each other worse, and whether you should be rooting for them at all.

That’s the exact appeal of the film, though. Smart direction and fantastic performances from young actors Kåre Hedebrant and Lina Leandersson have the audience knowing that neither character is a hero in the story, but rooting for them anyway.

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Warm Bodies
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Local florist. Will watch any horror film not called The Human Centipede, The Human Centipede 2, or The Human Centipede 3.