10 Horror Films Perfect For Valentine’s Day

7. Pontypool

Warm Bodies
Maple Pictures

Less of the com, more zom, Pontypool is set in the Canadian town of the same name, during the beginnings of a deadly virus spreading by way of infected words. Stephen McHattie stars as Grant, a controversial radio jockey who has been downgraded to the early morning slot of a local radio station. Station manager Sidney Briar (Lisa Houle) clashes with Grant’s shock-jock style, and it’s this type of miscommunication that the metaphor of infected, stuck words, represents.

Pontypool also just so happens to be set on Valentine’s Day, with a few references and set dressings peppered throughout its 90 minute runtime. It also has a surprisingly sweet romantic subplot that develops as the drama ramps up. It’s not the reason Pontypool recommendations get so much traction, but it is a nice inclusion in this tightly put together production. Never will the words “kill me” sound so sweet.

It’s a smart, boxed-in indie flick that manages to act like a bigger film than its budget allowed for. You won’t regret giving Pontypool a watch at any time of the year, but Valentine’s Day seems right for a film set on the same day.

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Warm Bodies
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Local florist. Will watch any horror film not called The Human Centipede, The Human Centipede 2, or The Human Centipede 3.