10 Horror Films Perfect For Valentine’s Day

4. Life After Beth

Warm Bodies
Starstream Entertainment

Life After Beth is far better than its original critical reception. It’s a dark comedy with zany performances delivered from the whole cast, and it manages to successfully deliver a metaphor for clinging on to a failing relationship.

Aubrey Plaza stars as Beth, who dies within the opening moments of the film, but mysteriously reappears in her parents’ home soon after, much to the confusion of grieving boyfriend Zach (Dane DeHaan). Zach then has to navigate a confused, undead Beth, and her willfully ignorant parents. All of the small, yet star studded, cast delivers whacky-yet-believable dialogue in a suitably offbeat way that fits with the weird zom-com reality director Jeff Baena creates. That star-studded cast includes John C. Reilly, Molly Shannon, Matthew Grey Gubler, and Anna Kendrick.

Funny and relationship-focused enough to watch with a significant other, and just the right amount of cynical awareness to watch on your own this Valentine’s Day.

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Warm Bodies
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Local florist. Will watch any horror film not called The Human Centipede, The Human Centipede 2, or The Human Centipede 3.