10 Horror Films Perfect For Valentine’s Day

5. The Fly

Warm Bodies
20th Century Fox

A David Cronenberg directed body horror that also documents the relationship of its two protagonists Seth and Veronica, played by Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis.

From the very first scene, the film’s focus is squarely on Goldblum and Davis’ budding romance, with only hints of the later focus on Seth's scientific work. It’s slow building, and gives the audience time to care for Seth and Veronica just enough to feel horrible at what the rest of the film has in store for them. The film then turns from budding romance to straight-up, gross-out horror. The turning point is when Seth’s jealousy and ego take over—creating a fitting metaphor for what these traits do to a person.

A Cronenberg staple, when the scenes are gross, they’re really gross, and the practical effects of The Fly don’t look dated, on the contrary, they look better than ever in our current world of CGI heavy movies.

The Fly is considered one of Cronenberg’s best films for a reason. It’s as much about the love story as it is the body horror.

Just don’t plan your Valentine’s meal during a viewing.

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Warm Bodies
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Local florist. Will watch any horror film not called The Human Centipede, The Human Centipede 2, or The Human Centipede 3.