10 Horror Films Set At Halloween To Scare You Perfectly In The Mood

8. Lady In White

Trick R Treat
New Century Vista Film Company

Lady In White opens on Halloween 1962, which already makes this movie unique. Most of these films take place in the 1980s or later, but here's one that explores old school Halloween in a small, well fleshed out American town. Frankie, a 9-year-old boy, is locked in his school's cloakroom by a pair of bullies, and while in there, he encounters the ghost of a girl murdered 10 years earlier. Frankie then makes it his mission to find out what happened and who the killer was. It's an old fashioned horror flick with not much sex or violence, instead relying on a creepy atmosphere and with a mystery element at its core.

The Halloween elements are fantastic, including an early scene taking place in a barely lit classroom decorated with Jack O'Lanterns and where every child has an orange cup, presumably full of apple cider. Beyond that, the film has a distinct sense of nostalgia to it, as the whole story is really the main character reflecting back on his childhood. 

As it's a story of two children, Lady In White also calls to mind the innocence of Halloween as a child and how spooky and magical it all seems back then. Its mystery is a bit simplistic and easy to figure out, but director Frank LaLoggia nails the mood, and that's the main reason it works so well.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.