10 Horror Films Set At Halloween To Scare You Perfectly In The Mood

7. Idle Hands

Trick R Treat
Columbia Pictures

The easily scared who still want to get into the Halloween spirit might enjoy this weird horror comedy that delivers both cheesy jokes and lots of bloodshed. Idle Hands stars Devon Sawa as a stoner whose right hand becomes possessed, Evil Dead style. He's unable to control it, and the hand actually forces him to murder two of his friends. He cuts it off, but that only frees the hand to go on a murder rampage without him, and just in time for the school's Halloween dance. There always needs to be a Halloween dance in these movies.

Although the leads are teenagers, the film is rated R and delivers plenty of enjoyable gross out moments, including a knitting needle going through a guy's ears, a woman getting sliced by a fan, and a dude's head being cut off and reattached with a barbecue fork. The effects look great, and the film definitely feels inspired by classic Sam Raimi. 

Along with the gore, Idle Hands brings the holiday fun and takes you back to the feeling of going to a dance with friends in high school. You've got cheap costumes, orange balloons, and skeletons and cobwebs hanging everywhere. What's not to love? Idle Hands is no horror classic, but if you want something lesser known and light to throw on this October, it's worth a watch.


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.