10 Horror Films Too Scary To Finish

4. Rosemary's Baby

The Autopsy Of Jane Doe

Another horror cinema classic and an expertly executed exercise in paranoia, Rosemary's Baby has long held a spot in the hearts of lovers of all things spooky, skulking through its narrative slowly and surely until reaching an incredible climax. With Mia Farrow turning in one of the best performances of her career, it's at the very least a convincing enough example of why you should never have a child. Devil worshippers or not, getting pregnant is just not a good idea.

Focusing on a woman convinced that an evil cult is intent on stealing her child, it becomes increasingly clear that her fears should be projected inward, not outward. Inspiring a slew of imitations both bad and kinda of alright but still bad, this film is the big daddy original that will keep you awake at night.

Tragically, director Roman Polanski actually suffered from a similar situation to his film, losing his pregnant wife to Charles Manson's cult followers in the 60s: making the film just that bit more unbearable to watch.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.