10 Horror Films With Terrifying Sound Design
8. The Innkeepers (2011)

Written and directed by Ti West, this little horror gem is a follows the only two employees (Sarah Paxton and Pat Healy) of a century old inn attempt to prove that the establishment is haunted before it's closed down by undertaking their own paranormal investigation.
With the primary tool for their investigation being audio equipment, sound is at the heart of this film's atmosphere. It's clear both West and frequent collaborator and sound designer Graham Reznick know exactly what they're doing when it comes to getting the most terror out of the subtlest of sounds.
Set in one contained location and minimalistic in style, The Innkeepers is as stripped-down as a horror film can get. But instead of coming across as bland and uninspired, this style works to this film’s advantage by amplifying the stillness of the inn’s atmosphere.
Many scenes feature Paxton simply
walking down empty hallways listening for the slightest of sounds which could prove the
establishment’s ghost exists. And, just like the protagonists, viewers will
find themselves listening closely to what the the sound equipment picks up to hear this ghost for themselves.