10 Horror Films You Constantly Have To Defend Hating

1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Saw 3
Bryanston Distributing Company

The most controversial one of course has to go at number one because of how difficult it is to defend yourself in hating this movie. Leatherface is one of the most iconic horror baddies, and the tales behind the making of the first TCM are infamous amongst horror fans.

Even if you’re going to defend the movie’s quality and merit to your dying breath, you have to admit that it is not to everyone’s taste. It’s gritty and grimy and very very gross, and for those who prefer cerebral, thought-provoking horror it just isn’t going to tick any boxes.

It’s a very different thing to not personally enjoy a movie than it is to dismiss all its merit, and this movie certainly has merit. It did a lot to shape the genre and introduce what would later become a huge franchise, and most people would agree that there’s at least one or two killer scares in there (if you’ll pardon the pun.)

Essentially the film is a lot of noise, a lot of dust and a lot of running around. Ranker contributor MysteriousAlchemist summarised in one sentence why, for many people, TCM is a flop: “It felt like it was 50 minutes of nothing and then 30 minutes of just nonsense, made very bizarrely.”

To each their own, but good luck defending yourself in the forums!

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