10 Horror Films You Constantly Have To Defend Hating
2. The Strangers

Widely hailed as one of the best home-invasion horrors of all time, admitting that The Strangers isn’t your cup of tea can definitely earn you some hate. Whilst it didn’t exactly receive universal praise on release, in the years since it has gained cult status and a certain amount of respect for what it contributes to the subgenre.
No matter how many times you explain why something is good though, it’s not going to win everyone over. A lot of viewers felt that The Strangers was just another empty, jump-scare fuelled venture trying to disguise itself as something else.
Often a dislike for the movie is equated with a dislike or misunderstanding of the subgenre but that’s not the case. Even if you consider yourself a fan of home-invasion horrors, The Strangers wasn’t guaranteed your love. Some felt that it was just Funny Games’ uglier, friendless cousin - trying desperately to recreate the emotional punch and sheer horror of its Austrian counterpart with none of the effectiveness.