10 Horror Films You Constantly Have To Defend Hating

8. The Saw Franchise

Saw 3

I’ll be the first to admit that the very first Saw film was a great bit of horror cinema. The ending twist? Iconic. The fresh premise? Interesting. The mood and tone? Excellent. This, however, is where my praise ends.

After the first film it’s all just downhill and all genuine intrigue is gone. People watch the Saw movies for the traps and sort of pretend at the same time that they care about whatever ‘twists’ the movies serve alongside them.

The whole gimmick is just ‘watch people mutilate each other for no reason,’ and anyone who tries to justify it saying stuff like “yeah but Jigsaw is just trying to make them appreciate their lives” is a mark. It’s not interesting, it’s not creative and it’s not nearly as edgy as all the superfans think it is.

You think it’s smart and cool that a psycho old man punishes an addict for relapsing into self-harm? Or that “the traps are just so creative!” Come off it. A bot could auto-generate those traps by randomly selecting buzzwords and stringing them into a sentence. Next up: shot-gun syringe bear trap challenge.

It’s time we give up on Saw. In the big year of 2022, I think we can all do better.

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WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.