10 Horror Films You Constantly Have To Defend Hating

6. The Visit

Saw 3
Universal Pictures

So this one might ruffle some feathers because of my reasoning, as in a lot of ways The Visit is a pretty solid horror film that I enjoyed in parts. If I turn off the critical thinking part of my brain I probably would’ve been able to enjoy it a lot more, but unfortunately we’re all cursed with an unstoppable thought machine in our heads.

My problem with The Visit, a problem also pointed out by plenty of others online, is that the horror movie logic of everyone involved makes the film so frustrating that you can barely watch it. The whole basis of the movie rests on the blatantly stupid premise that a loving, responsible mother would let her two young kids visit her estranged parents without so much as dropping them off and waving from the car (you know, to confirm they were there safely with her real parents), and it only gets worse from there.

The amount of weirdness the kids put up with before asking to be taken home, and the sheer number of red flags they dismiss or fail to notice at all is just unbearable. You might be able to enjoy the experience if you weren’t yelling at your screen every few minutes about how GOD DAMN STUPID THEY ALL ARE.

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WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.