10 Horror Films You Constantly Have To Defend Hating

5. Doctor Sleep

Saw 3
Warner Bros.

Whilst I really enjoyed Doctor Sleep, I - unlike many others - will not begrudge anyone who doesn’t share my view on it. Doctor Sleep was surprisingly well-reviewed, considering the usual critical panning of franchise reboots and sequels, but it missed the mark big-time for a lot of fans.

For some it felt like it tried to be both a sequel to the original movie and a faithful retelling of its namesake book - but managed to do neither effectively. Straddling the line between the two meant that the tone of the film never settled to an enjoyable, consistent place, and when it went full-on sequel mode in its finale, the callbacks felt cheap.

The references didn’t hit right, the emotional beats felt hollow and its inability to dedicate to one intention meant that, for a lot of viewers, the whole thing felt forgettable.

Unfortunately because of its place in The Shining canon, lots of the movie’s supporters dismiss criticism as bad faith comparisons to the original. It’s ok to compare it to the original! It’s ok to be disappointed! Argue over it all you like, I’m sure Stephen King feeds off the anger.

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WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.