10 Horror Films You Constantly Have To Defend Hating

4. Paranormal Activity

Saw 3

Has it been long enough now that it’s ok to admit you’ve never enjoyed a Paranormal Activity film? With the initial boom of found-footage horror in the wake of the film’s unexpected success, it seems that anyone caught badmouthing the film was dismissed as just not ‘getting’ it, not being hip to the new craze.

For a lot of people though, Paranormal Activity just lacked the very basis of what you want from a horror movie: scares. Many found it too slow, too lacking in action or plot, and its structure meant that there was very little momentum driving any narrative forward.

This isn’t to say that found-footage can’t be done well because there are plenty of films that demonstrate its versatility as a style. It’s just that this particular franchise, including its first instalment, bores the hell out of lots of people.

Honestly if you decide Paranormal Activity isn’t for you, I genuinely feel like you’re not missing out on anything. There are a million better found-footage movies out there and there is no point in forcing yourself to get through the million different franchise entries.

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WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.