10 Horror Films You Probably Haven't Seen But Should

5. Splinter

Beyond The Gates Scream
Magnolia Pictures

Splinter is a 2008 horror, starring Jill Wagner, Paulo Constanzo and Shea Whigham. Written and directed by Toby Wilkins, this 82-minute grotesque film explores deeply disturbing subjects and portrays some gruesome scenes throughout.

The terror begins when a petrol station attendant gets bitten by a splintered creature. It becomes apparent that whoever is bitten or attacked by the creature becomes a splintered, killer creature themselves. The movie closely follows on the tail of a young couple, Seth Belzer and Polly Watt, who are travelling on a highway and get highjacked by an escaped convict. During their journey, they get a flat tire from a splintered creature and soon find themselves trapped in a living nightmare.

The film requires you to suspend belief, for some of the experiences and scenes in the production seem very far fetched. However, Splinter's a solid picture with a good cast and plenty of scares thrown in.

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I'm a freelance writer and published author. I'm very passionate about music, film and theatre. I've written features and produced promo for Music-News, Warner Music, Made In Shoreditch Magazine, Medium, Haunted Magazine and many others.