10 Horror Franchises That Ended Too Soon

6. Piranha

28 Days Later Big Ben
Dimension Films

Not the Joe Dante and James Cameron-directed original franchise. Not the Roger Corman-produced made-for-TV offering of the '90s. No, the Piranha franchise that we needed to see more from was the Piranha franchise of more recent years.

Crawl director Alexandre Aja helmed the camp, cheesy, and extremely bloody Piranha 3D of 2010, and that was in turn followed up in 2012 by John Gulager's Piranha 3DD. We're both movies stone cold classics of their time? Absolutely not. Were both movies gratuitously gory and insanely over-the-top? Hell yes.

One of the things about the horror genre that makes it so great, is that there is a place in horror for so many different types of projects. Some of those projects may be looking towards awards season, others may be about changing the genre itself, and others are designed to be nothing but dumb fun.

Piranha clearly falls into that latter section, but you know exactly what you're going to get from such a picture. There'll be a brisk 90-minute run time, there'll be lots of deaths, there'll be lots of things that absolutely do not make logical sense, and there'll be a long-suffering protagonist standing tall at the end of the feature.

Horror doesn't always have to be chin stroking and thought-provoking. And for that reason, there seems like there's been so much left on the table with the Piranha franchise.

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Senior Writer

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