10 Horror Franchises That Ended Too Soon

7. Silent Hill

28 Days Later Big Ben
Universal Pictures

Make no mistake about it, 2012's Silent Hill: Revelation was a total dud. Why, then, should this franchise have still continued on past that stinker?

The simple answer to that is, there is a ludicrous amount of potential still tied to another Silent Hill movie to this day.

While that second movie was turd-tastic, its 2006 Radha Mitchell and Sean Bean-fronted predecessor was hugely promising. Sure, that first Silent Hill film wasn't perfect, yet it managed to capture the eerie, chilling atmosphere of the Konami video game franchise so marvellously.

If Konami and Davis Films could've have taken what worked from Silent Hill, implemented their awareness of what didn't work in Silent Hill: Revelation, that should have provided enough perspective and insight into being able to put together a third Silent Hill film that would give franchise fans what they were looking for.

Instead, the property has remained dormant on both the movie front and the video game front since the October 2012 release of Silent Hill: Revelation.

Christophe Gans - who directed the 2006 offering - has recently suggested he'd be open to returning for another Silent Hill movie, but that's far from an official confirmation that we'll ever get that third Silent Hill film any time soon.

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