10 Horror Franchises That Need A Revival

9. Friday The 13th

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Paramount Pictures

In light of Halloween's stonking critical and commercial rejuvenation, the most obvious franchise to hit up next is Friday the 13th, which was of course Halloween's immediate slasher successor and an enormous, iconic hit throughout the 1980s in particular.

Things quickly went to pot with a glut of increasingly lazy and cynical sequels - though Jason X is a perverse masterpiece in its own right - leading to 2009's honestly not-bad reboot.

Despite the 2009 movie almost multiplying its budget five-fold at the box office, a follow-up never happened due to complicated (and boring) legal issues, and at present fans have been left waiting almost a decade for a new Jason movie.

Given the iconic nature of the character, Hollywood's clearly leaving money on the table, and if Halloween can come back from Rob Zombie's Halloween II, Friday the 13th shouldn't have much trouble rebounding from a remake that at least captured the spirit of the original film.

Recent reports suggest that LeBron James is planning to produce his own Friday the 13th movie, but honestly, that sounds like yet another false flag that may never amount to anything.

It will happen eventually one way or another, because the property's just too damn valuable to leave alone. And considering that the inevitable second reboot will be the 13th movie in the series, you've got some ready-made marketing gold right there.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.