10 Horror Icons Who Killed Way More Victims Than They Should Have

9. Cujo (Cujo)

cujo Cujo was a St. Bernard dog. An overly aggressive St. Bernard dog, of course (having been bitten by a rabid bat), but still merely a St. Bernard dog nonetheless. Therefore, how in the name of Beethoven did he manage to kill so many people? His list of victims includes a gun-wielding Sheriff and several more fit and able adults. The majority of the film shows Cujo waiting around a broken down car, as the frightened passengers are forced to stay inside it. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't St. Bernard's one of the least mobile and quick breeds of dog in existence? Strong, yes! Quick and agile, no! Surely a healthy adult could out-run one to get help or, at the very least, use even the most rudimentary object to fend one off. All things considered, Cujo's rampage could and should have been cut short a lot earlier.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.