10 Horror Monsters That Became The Star Of The Show
Sometimes, the baddies really are the best...

This rogue’s gallery will leave even the most dedicated fans wondering what the hell they are thinking in devoting their affections to such a collection of miscreants.
From the first stories we read as children, villains hold a distinct and morbid fascination to us. The big bad wolf, Hansel and Gretel’s witch and The Pied Piper are all inextricably etched into our collective psyches. And that's not to mention the countless cinematic interpretations of evil queens, wicked stepmothers, and equally wicked witches.
Though undesirable by design, these characters define their stories. After all, without the big bad wolf, it’s just a walk in the woods.
Villains make things interesting and it just makes sense that often they are the most interesting thing on screen.
No wonder as adults we are still so fascinated with the many faces of evil. Many horror films have presented us with deplorable villains, only to realise that their villain is the real draw and frame them as the main event in movie after movie.
Because, fundamentally, horror fans just love the baddie...
10. Freddy Kruger

There are few more deplorable monsters out there than Freddy Kruger. He is a murderer of children who delights in the suffering and torture of his juvenile victims. And yet audiences love him.
What’s wrong with us?!
Robert Englund brought an irresistible magnetism to the character, which to this day has left audiences spellbound. His energy and screen presence made Freddy an actual character, as opposed to many other slasher monsters, whose mute relentlessness leaves them more akin to forces of nature.
In the first movie, Freddy is far more of a monster, with the emphasis being on his grotesque nature. He is on screen for a mere seven minutes, but in those minutes he stole the show and by the sequel, the emphasis had been shifted firmly onto Freddy.
As the series went on, the heroes became more and more unremarkable and audiences were increasingly routing for the evermore flamboyant Freddy to succeed in his hideous plans. He quickly became a marketable commodity and it wasn’t long before Freddy’s face was plastered on board games, dolls and lunchboxes.
Audiences couldn’t get enough, and they got what they wanted. More Freddy!!!
God, we’re sick.