10 Horror Movie Characters Punished For Their Faith

3. Henry Frankenstein - Frankenstein

Saint Maud
Universal Pictures

It takes a bold, brash person to proclaim that there skills and abilities make them a god, but that's exactly what happened to Henry Frankenstein.

In James Whale's 1931 adaptation of Mary Shelley's iconic novel and Peggy Webling's 1927 play, Henry (in)famously utilises the body parts of buried bodies and recently-hanged criminals to construct his own creature.

The reason for Dr. Frankenstein doing all of this is that he is so blindly sure that he would be able to create life if he puts his mind to it. And to his credit, Colin Clive's Henry is indeed somewhat successful in his mission, putting together a 'monster' that is played by the legendary Boris Karloff here.

So assured of his own skills is Frankenstein, though, at one point in the movie he goes as far as to refer to himself as a god.

"In the name of God? Now I know what it feels like to BE God!"

How is Henry Frankenstein's unrelenting faith in his own self punished? Well, his most prized creation nearly kills him before the monster itself is set ablaze by the local townsfolk; townsfolk who are just a tad miffed at Henry for the chaos and carnage his creature had caused.

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Senior Writer

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