10 Horror Movie Characters That Didn't Deserve The Hate

3. Juno Kaplan - The Descent

The Shining Wendy

Neil Marshall's The Descent features one of the most widely-loathed characters in contemporary horror - Juno Kaplan (Natalie Mendoza).

First off, there's no denying that Juno does some pretty awful things in the movie - namely having an affair with protagonist Sarah's (Shauna Macdonald) husband and then leading the group of cavers, including Sarah, to an unknown, more dangerous cave system than the one they had planned.

But for starters, Sarah's husband shoulders 50% of the blame here, and if we're totally honest, Juno is also suffering through grief herself, even if for a forbidden lover.

Secondly, there was no way that Juno could've foreseen they'd end up terrorised by grotesque creatures within the unknown cave system.

Juno is a person who does a bad thing and then has a number of unfortunate incidents lumped in with it - not merely taking the group to a different cave, but also accidentally mortally wounding Beth (Alex Reid), who sneaks up on her without announcing herself.

Juno's absolutely a f**k-up, but a believably flawed person who proves infinitely more interesting than Sarah, and absolutely didn't deserve to be left in the cave to die at the end of the movie. Unlike Sarah, Juno never actively intended to hurt anyone.

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The Shining
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.