10 Horror Movie Characters That Single-Handedly Ruined Recent Movies

6. Herman Munster - The Munsters

The Munsters Herman

Rob Zombie's live-action adaptation of The Munsters is objectively a film alright, and that's about it.

With the Munsters being the iconic characters they are, nothing was more important in this movie than getting the casting right. And though Daniel Roebuck was perfectly cast as The Count, and even Rob Zombie's wife Sheri Moon fared decently enough as Lily Munster, it all fell apart with Herman.

Even if you can forgive the hilariously cheap makeup used to bring the character to life, Jeff Daniel Phillips' performance just strays too damn far from the iconic Fred Gwynne rendition of Herman, with his goofier, more gratingly playful, high-pitched voice.

For as much as Zombie gets wrong throughout the entire movie, the embarrassingly low production values and hokey script wouldn't be so bothersome if it nailed the fundamentals of its primary characters. Lily and The Count are fine enough, but Herman? Terrible.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.