10 Horror Movie Characters That Single-Handedly Ruined Recent Movies

5. Sarah - Cobweb

The Munsters Herman

For the first two-thirds of its runtime, Samuel Bodin's low-budget horror Cobweb was a decently creepy, atmospheric little romp in which a young boy, Peter (Woody Norman), comes to believe that his parents (Lizzy Caplan and Anthony Starr) are hiding a dark secret from him.

That secret is Sarah, an entity who appears to reside in the walls of the family home and tells Peter that she's his unwanted sister, having been sealed there by Peter's "evil" parents.

Things get seriously grim when Sarah convinces Peter to fatally poison both of his parents, but a skin-crawlingly creepy first hour gives way to a finale which makes all that goodwill go up in smoke.

Peter then meets Sarah face-to-face for the first time, discovering her to be a grotesque, seemingly inhuman creature with large, bulbous eyes which walks around like a spider. Unfortunately, though, the movie's budget simply couldn't realise Sarah as Bodin presumably intended.

The combination of goofy VFX and unrelentingly dark visuals - in a blatant attempt to conceal said wonky effects - ensure that Cobweb sputters to a wholly unsatisfying, impossible-to-take-seriously conclusion.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.