10 Horror Movie Characters Who Didn't Know They Were The Victim

1. Amy Singer - The Devil's Ground

Hellraiser Hellseeker
Evolution Pictures

And finally we have 2009's low-budget horror The Devil's Ground - or The Cycle, as it's known in some territories - which while hardly all that good a movie, at least offers an amusing subversion of the Final Girl trope.

The film opens with a woman, Amy Singer (Leah Gibson), on the run from a masked, machete-wielding maniac (Twan Holliday). While fleeing, she crosses paths with Carrie Mitchel (Daryl Hannah), who she convinces to take her to the next town.

Amy then explains that she's been searching for a Native American burial ground as part of a university project, but the rest of her student group was killed off by the aforementioned serial killer, leaving her the sole survivor.

After Amy's story is played out, Carrie stops at a gas station to call the police, but they admonish her for making a prank call, explaining that Amy died five years ago.

As it turns out, Amy was indeed murdered during her initial encounter and now exists only as a ghost, appearing on the stretch of road where Carrie picked her up every year on the day that she died.

Amy doesn't know she's dead and is inadvertently luring people like Carrie into the killer's trap, yet despite Carrie's best efforts to put a stop to all the carnage, she too falls victim to the killer's blade.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.