10 Horror Movie Characters Who Didn't Know They Were The Victim

2. The Stewart Family - The Others

Hellraiser Hellseeker

2001's The Others is an expert example of a filmmaker ingeniously turning the haunted house movie on its head.

It follows a mother, Grace Stewart (Nicole Kidman), and her two young children Anna (Alakina Mann) and Nicholas (James Bentley), who become convinced that their remote country home is haunted.

After a bevy of increasingly Creepy S**t unfolds, it's revealed at the end that Grace, her children, and even their servants have actually been dead the whole time.

It gets much worse, though: Grace lost her mind after her husband's departure for the war and smothered her own kids to death before killing herself.

More to the point, the seemingly ghostly "others" Grace is fearful of throughout the film aren't ghosts at all but the new owners of the house, whose presence Grace isn't much happy about.

While Grace's status as a victim is more complex due to her murderous act - yet she's certainly still a victim of her own mental illness - there's no arguing with the status of her children, who were walking around with no earthly idea that their own mother murdered them.

And you think your family dynamic is awkward...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.