10 Horror Movie Characters Who Didn't Know They Were The Victim

6. Trevor Gooden - Hellraiser: Hellseeker

Hellraiser Hellseeker

Unsurprisingly the sixth entry into the Hellraiser franchise is pretty terrible - rocking a "coveted" 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, even - but it nevertheless offers a perfect example of a horror movie protagonist who has no idea they're dead meat already.

Protagonist Trevor Gooden (Dean Winters) is involved in a car accident at the start of the film which he only scarcely appears to survive, waking up a month later in the hospital.

However, Trevor's head injuries have made him unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality, and the movie's increasingly bizarre series of events culminates in the revelation that Trevor actually died at the start of the story.

But it wasn't simply a car accident that killed him: Trevor was shot in the head by his wife, franchise legend Kirsty Cotton (Ashley Laurence), who staged it to look like a suicide in revenge for Trevor cheating on her with numerous women and also plotting to kill her.

Trevor has actually spent most of the movie in Hell, where he's been forced to re-examine his past sins in a limbo-like state. At film's end his soul becomes the possession of Cenobite Pinhead (Doug Bradley), while Kirsty seems to get away with killing him scot-free.

Obviously in Trevor's case he happens to be a giant a**hole as well as an unknowing victim, so while we might not have much sympathy for him, he still spends the bulk of the story unaware of his mortal outcome.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.