10 Horror Movie Characters Who Die In The Very Last Scene

7. Rob And Beth - Cloverfield

Unfriended 2014 Ending 1280x720

As well as crowded subways, high property prices, and rude people, the citizens of New York City also have to deal with the occasional giant monster rampage. It’s a wonder anyone still lives there.

2008’s Cloverfield opens on couple Rob and Beth, played by Michael Stahl-David and Odette Yustman respectively. They go to a party later in the day, which is when the city is plunged into chaos by the arrival of a massive alien creature.

And not in a fun Iron Giant way. More of a deadly Independence Day way.

The movie, which is filmed in jarring handheld, follows Rob, Beth, and their friends as they attempt to survive the night, which doesn’t go super well for most of them. Whilst this is happening, the military invoke the “Hammer Down” protocol - the strategic bombing of Manhattan to kill the creature before it can escape.

Cloverfield ends with Rob and Beth accepting their fate as collateral damage. The camera they’ve been using to capture footage of the attack gets knocked out of their hands, but does capture the pair saying they love each other before the bomb drops, blasting them to kingdom come.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.