10 Horror Movie Characters Who Died Breaking Their Own Rules

9. Doyle - 28 Weeks Later

A Quiet Place Lee
20th Century Fox

This may seem ludicrously harsh, but hear this take out.

Jeremy Renner plays Sergeant Doyle in the 2007 apocalyptic zombie-horror 28 Weeks Later. A sniper by trade, he hails from Delta Force, one of the most elite special operations forces on the planet. As such, his responsibilities and mission prerogative as a top-tier marksman should be clear.

The role of a sniper is to observe and protect from afar, the military epitomisation of the phrase "hit and don't get hit". Doyle's compassion is his undoing, abandoning his post and immersing himself in the thick of the action to help survivors escape District One. This ultimately leads to his heroic death before our protagonists' very eyes. Knowingly placing himself in harm's way to push start an escape car, Doyle is incinerated by military flamethrowers in abjectly harrowing fashion.

While ultimately remembered as a noble, self-sacrificing character, Doyle died breaking several pretty clear cut military rules. In addition to abandoning the principles behind his elite sniper training, the marksman perished having flaunted one of the military's most basic rules: always follow orders. Refusing to mow down potentially uninfected survivors was unquestionably courageous and principled. However, this was technically was still a direct contravention of the soldier's duty and set motions in event that eventually culminated in his fiery demise.

In all fairness, this writer warned you this assessment would be exceedingly harsh. RIP Doyle.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.