10 Horror Movie Characters Who Died (But Survived The Remake)
1. Mari Collingwood - The Last House On The Left

1972's The Last House on the Left is a brutal, disturbing movie that caused a whole host of controversy upon its initial release, with censors across the globe taking umbrage with the content of Wes Craven's directorial debut.
That movie opens with two young women - Sandra Peabody's Mari Collingwood and Lucy Grantham's Phyllis Stone - who end up kidnapped and tortured by a group of escaped criminals led by Krug Stillo (David Hess). After being forced to engage in some truly horrendous acts, both Mari and Phyllis are killed, with Krug and his crew then being taken in and looked after by Mari's clueless parents.
Of course, the penny finally drops just who Krug is and what he and his people have done, and the Collingwoods exact their own form of grim revenge.
Dennis Iliadis' Last House remake changed things up a little from Craven's picture. While the film's opening largely followed the same path as the '72 effort, audiences would see a barely alive Mari (Sara Paxton) resurface at the movie's close to help her mother and father put down Krug (Garret Dillahunt).
One other notable change in The Last House on the Left remake, is that Junior of the original movie also survives the film. With his name changed from Junior to Justin, Spencer Treat Clark's character sails off to safety with Mari and her parents.