10 Horror Movie Characters Who Died Off-Screen In The Sequel

6. Elizabeth Shaw - Alien: Covenant

Final Destination
20th Century Studios

This one still hurts.

Alien prequel Prometheus was very, very far from a perfect movie, but it at least got some key things right. It established a likeable, kick-ass heroine in Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace), and teed up a sequel where she and android David (Michael Fassbender) would explore the Engineer homeworld.

Yet in light of the polarised fan response to Prometheus, Ridley Scott decided to pivot the sequel, Alien: Covenant, in another direction - basically, he made it far more of an Alien movie than originally intended.

This extended to heavily minimising the role of the Engineers, throwing a ton of Xenomorphs into the mix - which he initially planned to exclude entirely - and, for reasons that will never make much sense, shoving Shaw to the periphery.

Though Shaw appears briefly in a promotional prologue video set between Prometheus and Covenant, she's nowhere to be seen in the actual sequel self - alive, at least.

It's revealed late in the movie that David murdered Shaw prior to Covenant and experimented upon her body, the grotesquely mutilated remains of which are briefly glimpsed. For a fanbase which had already suffered through the trauma of losing Newt and Hicks off-screen in Alien 3, this felt like a gigantic slap in the face, especially as it's never been clarified precisely why Shaw didn't return in earnest.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.