10 Horror Movie Characters Who Died Painful Deaths

6. Bob Carter - The Hills Have Eyes

Green Inferno
Vanguard/Fox Searchlight Pictures

"Big" Bob (Russ Grieve in Wes Craven's original movie, Ted Levine, in the 2006 remake) is the intimidating patriarch of the all-American Carter family.

A gun-happy (NRA, Republican) ex-cop, Big Bob merrily leads his family on an RV trip across the New Mexican wilderness. When the RV breaks down and the Carters become stranded in the desert, not even the mighty Big Bob proves a match for the mutant hillbillies they find dwelling there.

After trekking to the nearby gas station for help, Bob is the first of the family to encounter the twisted, cannibalistic Jupiter clan. Captured by Papa Jupiter, Big Bob is dragged off into the desert. When we next see Bob, he is crucified near his family's broken-down RV and set ablaze, screaming in agony.

Bob Carter's death cries serve as a distraction for the Hill People, who use the family's panic to attack the RV and the women (plus baby) left inside. A horrendously roasted Bob is extinguished and 'rescued' by son Bobby and son-in-law Doug, but he dies soon after from the terrible burns.

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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.