10 Horror Movie Characters Who Got Advice From THE WORST PLACE POSSIBLE

7. Kevin Listening To The Literal Devil - The Devil's Advocate

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Warner Bros.

The Devil's Advocate is a movie that maybe gets a little forgotten about when looking at classics of the '90s. This is a picture that came about when Keanu Reeves was lambasted for being 'wooden' and Al Pacino was starting to become a characicature of himself - and so the perception of the film suffered somewhat.

Taylor Hackford's picture is a great movie if taken at face value, even if it is clearly a tad cheesy at times. For Pacino particularly, he seemed on a mission to simply devour as much scenery as possible.

For Reeves' ambitious lawyer Kevin Lomax, he finds himself being mentored by Pacino's John Milton. Not only is Milton eventually revealed to be Kevin's father, but this slimy mentor figure is also the literal Devil himself.

Throughout so much of The Devil's Advocate's 144-minute run time, Reeves' character finds himself unknowingly turning to Satan during his times of need. And while Milton doesn't necessarily force his son's hand for the most part, there's often a devilishly suggestive manner in which he approaches the trials and tribulations that Kevin finds himself in the midst of.

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