10 Horror Movie Characters Who Got What Was Coming To Them

3. Doctor Foley - The Cult Of Chucky

Human Centipede 2
Universal Pictures

The nineties were an odd time for the Child’s Play franchise, but by the time Curse of Chucky burst onto screens back in 2013, the saga seemed to be back on track. 2017’s Cult of Chucky was equally a welcome return to form, as well as being a genuinely good entry to the franchise.

One of the less enjoyable aspects of the film was the vile Doctor Foley, who torments protagonist Nica whilst she’s trapped in a psychiatric institution. We first assume that Foley is just dismissive of her claims and isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed when he tries to use a Good Guy doll as a form of therapy. Turns out, he really is just the worst kind of tool.

It turns out that Foley had been sexually abusing Nica whilst she was meant to be under his care, taking advantage of her while she was undergoing hypnotherapy and was unable to fight back. You know someone’s rotten when Chucky think’s they’re sick.

Nica does get her revenge though, killing Foley in what may actually be the most grisly murder of the Child’s Play saga – stomping on his head as it explodes like a big gross melon. Good riddance.


Tilly Owen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.