10 Horror Movie Characters Who Got What Was Coming To Them

2. Martin Lomax - The Human Centipede 2

Human Centipede 2
IFC Midnight

The first Human Centipede film, which granted was still deeply unpleasant and hard to watch, relied more on the nastiness of its concept than an abundance of gore and violence. Its sequel did the complete opposite, with the vile Martin Lomax at the centre of it all.

Lomax wasn’t dealt the best cards in life to say the very least, but his dark past doesn’t exonerate him from the evil he commits. He brutalises innocent people, including murdering a pregnant woman, all to fulfil his sick fantasies of creating his very own human centipede.

However, the end of the film does see him get some kind of retribution. His dream pet falls apart, with members dying and escaping whilst he’s helpless to stop them. One of the characters, a meta role taken on by Ashlynn Yennie who played Jennie in the first film, rises to final girl status by kicking Martin right in the tenders and then using a funnel shoved up where the sun doesn’t shine. What does she put in the funnel you may ask? Martin’s pet centipede.

The ending leaves some ambiguity as to what the hell we actually just watched, but at least we got to watch Lomax’s actions come back to… well, bite him on the arse really.


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