10 Horror Movie Characters Who Knew When To Quit (But Didn't)

1. Jules - What Keeps You Alive

fall 2022
Digital Interference Productions

What Keeps You Alive follows a married couple, Jackie (Hannah Emily Anderson) and Jules (Brittany Allen), celebrating their first wedding anniversary when Jules comes to learn some unnerving information about Jackie's past involving the death of a childhood friend.

Jackie seemingly smooths it over, but moments later, she shoves Jules off the top of a cliff, leaving her for dead.

And to be clear, this is the end of the movie's first act.

Jules survives the fall but is badly injured, at which point Jackie - who is also revealed to be a serial killer - pursues and captures her.

Jackie then takes Jules back to the cliff and attempts to push her off again, but Jules incapacitates her with a tranquiliser dart and flees the scene in her car.

Jules is basically home free, but a short while down the road stops her car and decides she needs to return to finish her wife off.

Jules confronts Jackie and it costs her dearly - she's once again thrown off the cliff by Jackie, but when a diabetic Jackie injects herself with insulin, she learns that Jules replaced it with hydrogen peroxide, killing her.

The final scene shows a brutally injured Jules laying on the floor before she takes a sharp breath, indicating she's still alive albeit gravely wounded.

Given that Jackie was shown to have called the police to report Jules' "death" after pushing her off the cliff, there's a decent chance she survives, but certainly no guarantee.

Yeah, driving away and calling the cops later was definitely the only way to go here.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.