10 Horror Movie Characters Who Repeatedly Made The Wrong Decisions

7. John Bishop - Child's Play (1988)

Piggy Roci

John "Dr. Death" Bishop (Raymond Oliver) proves to be such an irresponsible practitioner of voodoo that it basically borders on suicidal.

Even if you ignore how dangerous and potentially ill-advised it is to mess around with voodoo at all, Bishop is the man who teaches serial killer Charles Lee Ray (Brad Dourif) how to transfer his soul into another vessel - ultimately, a Good Guy doll - with the iconic Damballa spell.

It's fair to say that Bishop's not exactly a great judge of character giving so much power to such an horrendous human being, but it only gets worse from there.

Once Charles dies and places his soul within Chucky, he returns to Bishop, demanding to know why he can still be harmed in his new body. At this point Bishop refuses to help Chucky, angrily calling him an "abomination" and insisting that he has to be stopped.

Threatening a serial killer isn't particularly smart either, but Bishop's dumbest decision of all? Handing himself a gigantic L by having a voodoo doll of himself just sitting around for Chucky to find. And that Chucky does, grabbing the doll and torturing Bishop before stabbing it and killing him. Gee, who could've ever seen any of this coming?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.