10 Horror Movie Characters Who Repeatedly Made The Wrong Decisions

6. Billy Peltzer - Gremlins

Piggy Roci
Warner Bros.

Gremlins' fresh-faced protagonist Billy Peltzer (Zach Galligan) may be a pretty likeable guy, but c'mon, the man's handling of his new pet mogwai Gizmo leaves plenty of room for improvement.

Despite the rules for taking care of a mogwai being explicitly laid out to Billy by his father Randall (Hoyt Axton), he doesn't take any care at all to follow them. Quite the opposite, even.

For starters, Billy rather recklessly leaves Gizmo unsupervised in the presence of his young friend Pete (Corey Feldman), who accidentally spills water on Gizmo within two minutes of meeting him, causing five more mogwai to spawn from Gizmo's back.

While you can more-or-less forgive Billy for being tricked into feeding the gremlins after midnight when they cut the power cord on his alarm clock - something that'd never happen today in the age of smartphones - did Billy really need to get one of them wet on purpose?

Even after seeing Gizmo birth five more mogwai, he takes one of the spawn to science teacher Mr. Hanson (Glynn Turman), and intentionally gets it wet in order to demonstrate the mogwai's reproductive process. Oh, and he lets Hanson keep the creature to carry out some tests, which oh-so-predictably leads to his death and all other manner of mayhem.

Granted, giving so much responsibility to a seemingly oblivious young man in his early 20s probably wasn't the brightest idea on the part of Billy's father either, but Billy's lack of due diligence ultimately got people killed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.