10 Horror Movie Characters Who Should've Been Final Girls

7. Clear Rivers - Final Destination 2

Freddy Vs Jason Kia
New Line Cinema

Much like the original, Final Destination 2 opens with Kimberley and several others narrowly cheating death. Since they were destined to die, the Grim Reaper begins hunting the survivors, hoping to collect their souls. 

Desperate for help, Kimberley tracks down Clear Rivers, the only survivor from the previous film. Initially, Clear dismissed the idea that she was being chased by some supernatural being. 

But after having multiple brushes with literal Death, Clear had done a complete 180, committing herself to a psych ward to evade the nebulous entity. Though she fears the Reaper will find her, Clear agrees to leave the facility and help Kimberley. 

It was a treat to see Clear return, not just because she was popular, but to see her grow as a character. In fact, no other Final Destination character develops more than her (although that's mainly because most of the ensemble don't stick around for more than one movie). Since she's danced with Death numerous times and knows how her enemy thinks, she could've been the Final Girl of the whole franchise.

That's why it was a shame when she was incinerated to ash without the slightest warning during the climax. Kimberley is a decent protagonist, but she doesn't hold a candle to Clear.

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