10 Horror Movie Characters Who Should've Been Final Girls

2. Dany Wilkins - The Belko Experiment

Freddy Vs Jason Kia
Orion Pictures

In the James Gunn-written horror, The Belko Experiment, employees at the Belko company are sealed in the building and ordered to murder each other until only one remains.

Even though there are 80 employees, one person who immediately stands out is Dany Wilkins, who had the misfortune of joining Belko that very day. Since Dany is timid and doesn't know her way around the building, she looks like she'll be the first victim.

On the contrary, Dany repeatedly proves to be a born survivor. She hides when she needs to and doesn’t take risks unless it's necessary. Although she avoids confrontation, she fights off several workers when push comes to shove. Dany proves to be selfless, since she rescues several colleagues, despite having no personal attachment to them.

When Dany barely survives a bloodbath in the elevator, all signs point her to being the Final Girl. But as she gets off the lift, she's fatally shot in the head.

Dany fared better than most, since she was the 77th victim in this barbaric experiment. But considering how intelligent and courageous she was, she should've survived the whole ordeal.

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