10 Horror Movie Characters Who Should've Been Final Girls

3. Liz Hunter - Wolf Creek

Freddy Vs Jason Kia
Roadshow Films/Dimension Films

Inspired by the real-life murders in Australia during the 1990s, Wolf Creek follows a trio of backpackers, Liz, Kristy, and Ben, who are kidnapped by a serial killer called Mick Taylor. After Liz breaks free from her restraints, she heads to Mick's garage, where she sees the sicko torturing Kirsty.

From here on out, Liz becomes a total badass. She burns her car to distract Mick long enough to rescue Kirsty. Upon his return, she shoots him in the neck with a hunting rifle. When Liz realises Mick is still alive, she knocks his vehicle off a cliff so he can't drive after them. 

Seeing how hysterical Kirsty is, Liz takes it upon herself to find a vehicle to flee. Knowing it's likely Mick will kill her before she succeeds (which is exactly what happens), she orders Kirsty to leave if she takes longer than five minutes. Although Kirsty looks like she gets away, Mick catches up and shoots her dead.

Just as it feels like the story is wrapping up, the scene cuts to Ben trapped in a mine shaft, where Mick left him. After escaping from his confines, Ben is taken to safety by a Swedish couple.

Although it's nice to see one person survive, why did it have to be Ben? Of the three main characters, he had the least screen time. On top of that, he was absent during the bulk of the conflict, to the point where it was easy to forget he was in the movie in the first place.

If anyone were to live, it should've been Liz, since she did everything in her power to kill Mick and save her friends.

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