10 Horror Movie Characters Whose Personalities Suddenly Changed In Sequels

8. Dr. Lawrence Gordon - Saw 3D

Child S Play 2

Ever since Dr. Lawrence Gordon (Cary Elwes) sawed off his foot and crawled out of Jigsaw's (Tobin Bell) bathroom in the original Saw, fans hoped that he might one day return to the series, perhaps even as a secret apprentice helping Jigsaw.

And for better or worse, fans finally got their wish in the seventh film, Saw 3D.

Gordon appears in a few brief scenes throughout the movie, most notably the outrageous twist ending, where it's revealed that after Gordon escaped Jigsaw's bathroom, Jiggy nursed him back to health and installed him as yet another secret apprentice.

And so, Saw 3D ends with Gordon kidnapping the villainous Detective Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) and locking him in the series' iconic bathroom to die.

While on one hand it delivered the nutty twist fans had been expecting for years, the film did a frankly terrible job of providing a convincing explanation for Gordon's allegiance shift.

Given that the ending reveals that Gordon sewed the key between Michael's (Noam Jenkins) eye in Saw II, we're effectively led to believe that Gordon went from a gibbering wreck terrified for his family to a willing accomplice of Jigsaw within a matter of months.

It doesn't really track, and while you can argue that Gordon was basically brainwashed into becoming Jigsaw's aide, it's still a really tough sell overall.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.