10 Horror Movie Characters Whose Personalities Suddenly Changed In Sequels

5. Pinhead - Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth

Child S Play 2

The first two Hellraiser movies depict Cenobite leader Pinhead (Doug Bradley) in a more mysterious and ambiguous fashion - a terrifying figure for sure, but one who knew the virtue of cutting a fair deal.

It wasn't until Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth that the character became an out-and-out villain, and fittingly this was also the first film in the series to verbally refer to him as "Pinhead."

With the death of Pinhead's human alter-ego, military officer Elliot Spencer, in Hellraiser II, the third film gives us meaner, more overtly evil Pinhead who ventures on a killing spree and even turns some of his victims into Cenobites.

Separated from the human side of his persona, Pinhead is a card-carrying Bad Guy this time around, much to the protest of franchise creator Clive Barker, who intended for Pinhead to remain dead after Hellraiser II, and Julia Cotton (Clare Higgins) to become the franchise antagonist.

The studio had other ideas, though, wanting to reinvent Pinhead as an unquestionably full-throttle, evil antagonist.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.