10 Horror Movie Characters Whose Personalities Suddenly Changed In Sequels

4. Mick Taylor - Wolf Creek 2

Child S Play 2
Roadshow Film Distributors

As this list has made clear by now, it's not uncommon for horror movie antagonists to have their personalities significantly altered for the sequels for any number of reasons.

And perhaps one of the less-discussed examples is Wolf Creek's psychopathic Australian serial killer Mick Taylor (John Jarratt).

In the first film Mick at least presents an initial facade of charm and likeability - a larger-than-life Aussie Bloke whose sadistic tendencies are suppressed beneath the surface until he decides to act.

But Wolf Creek 2 opted to shed any and all character subtlety, reworking Mick into a more outlandish character who makes considerably less effort - that is, no effort at all - to conceal his ill intent.

Mick basically gets the Freddy Krueger treatment in the sequel - a villain we'll be getting to shortly - the more "realistic" psychopath of the original film replaced with a more humourous, quip-happy maniac.

This is in line with the sequel's decidedly kitschier tone compared to its predecessor, ditching grim seriousness for something more "amusing," even if it results in a blatant character transplant for ol' Mick.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.