10 Horror Movie Characters You Thought Were Dead For Sure

8. Dianne - Shaun Of The Dead

Scream 4 Kirby

In the case of Shaun of the Dead's Dianne (Lucy Davis), you really can't be blamed for assuming she was dead meat, given that her fate is never actually confirmed in the movie at all.

Dianne memorably - and stupidly - ends up running straight into the fleet of zombies that are attempting to break into the Winchester pub, moments after they've ripped apart her boyfriend David (Dylan Moran).

We never see what happens to Dianne afterwards, but considering she's surrounded by literally dozens of zombies while armed with only David's dismembered leg, it's fair to assume that she wasn't long for this world.

Yet on the movie's home video release, an extra feature revealed what happened next, courtesy of a series of storyboards narrated by Lucy Davis herself.

As it turns out, Dianne used David's severed leg to fight her way through the zombies, climbed a nearby tree, and passed out.

When she woke up, she remained in the tree for several more days while feasting on David's leg for sustenance, until she was sure the undead invasion had been quelled.

Tough though it is to picture Dianne fending off many zombies with David's leaky leg, it's the truth.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.