10 Horror Movie Characters You Thought Were Dead For Sure

3. Julia - Watcher

Scream 4 Kirby

In the recent horror-thriller Watcher, protagonist Julia (Maika Monroe) is living in Bucharest and comes to suspect that she's being watched by a man (Burn Gorman) across the street who may or may not be a serial killer.

Ultimately the man in question is indeed revealed to be a murderer, and, during a climactic confrontation with Julia, appears to get the better of her.

The killer kidnaps Julia and, when she attempts to summon help, slices her throat with a knife. We're then forced to watch as Julia desperately crawls around the apartment, before seemingly bleeding out as the killer himself looks on.

The killer then notices that a girl in a building across the street has seen what he's done, but upon leaving to take care of it, he's suddenly shot numerous times by Julia, who is miraculously still alive.

Considering the severity of her injury and the sheer amount of blood she lost, this one definitely skirts on the fringes of credibility, but the payoff is satisfying enough that it's tough to care all that much.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.