10 Horror Movie Deaths Not Even The Actors Saw Coming

7. Derek (Scream 2)

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Dimension Films

After the enormous success of the first Scream movie, the hype for the sequel was off the charts. As such, the filmmakers went to great lengths to ensure that Scream 2's plot remained a secret - even going so far as to withhold crucial details from the actors.

This was accomplished by giving said actors fake scripts, which had been whipped up by writer Kevin Williamson in an effort to prevent leaks. These scripts contained dummy endings, meaning that most of the cast didn't know how Scream 2 would conclude, they didn't know the killer's identity, and they didn't know what would happen to their characters.

This was true of Jerry O'Connell, who played Sidney's boyfriend Derek. When discussing the film, he revealed that he wasn't sent the ending when he first read the script - so he didn't know that Derek was going to die until much later on.

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