10 Horror Movie Deaths Not Even The Actors Saw Coming

Horror movies can be scary to make - especially when you don't know your character's about to die.

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Because movies are such complicated beasts to put together, it's important that the cast and crew are all on the same page as each other, in every possible sense.

You'd hope that everyone would get the same script, that everyone would know what's going to happen on any given day, and that everyone would understand the tone and style of the movie they're making - but sometimes, not all of these things are true.

More specifically, some horror movie actors were completely left in the dark about certain character deaths, whether they weren't informed how bloody things were going to be, had no idea who was actually going to die, or simply weren't given the full script until the last possible moment.

From the director's perspective, the point of this is often to draw the most genuine reaction from the actors involved, but sometimes, it can also be down to poor management, with the stars not being told vital information about a death scene - whether it's theirs, or a co-star's.

Whatever the case, these deaths were all unexpected in one way or another.

10. Hicks (Alien 3)

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20th Century Fox

It's widely-accepted that killing off Hicks in such an unceremonious manner was a bone-headed move, but let's spare a thought for poor Michael Biehn, who wasn't even told that his character was going to be offed.

In fact, Biehn wasn't involved in Alien 3 in any capacity. He wasn't even consulted, or given the courtesy of a phone call. He first heard about Hicks' death from a friend, who had recently visited Pinewood Studios and had seen a face cast of Biehn - complete with burns and a chest wound - that the Alien 3 production intended to use in the movie.

Upon learning this information, Biehn told the studio that they couldn't use his image without his permission, which prompted director David Fincher to contact Biehn and plead with him. Biehn's response? “F**k you for not putting me in the movie.”

Unsurprisingly, that did little to change the filmmakers' minds, and Hicks was killed off in the opening minutes of the movie.

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