10 Horror Movie Deaths You Were Totally Rooting For

8. Wendell - The Belko Experiment

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If you’ve ever watched a movie or TV show based in an office, you’d have deduced that there is always an intolerable sleazeball employee. Of course, on a normal work day, you’d probably not go as far as to root for their death. But when the office is put into lockdown, a mysterious voice demanding all employees to start fighting to the death, the office pervert quickly jumps to the top of your wish list.

But Wendell from The Belko Experiment is not only a pervert (don’t let him catch you calling him that), he’s also a bloodthirsty maniac. You see, unlike most of the other employees on the day Belko Industries decides to go all evil corporation, Wendell immediately goes gung-ho for murder.

For the first act of the movie, he’s your typical unsavoury employee, and for the second act he shows how spineless he truly is when he hides behind his CEO and encourages him to commit executions of employees for the greater good.

But the third act truly sets Wendell up as the movie’s secondary antagonist as it is announced that it is now every man for himself, leading Wendell to take a bloody MEAT-CLEAVER to his so-called peers. Brutally he hacks his way through so many innocent people, and while yes many other employees are doing the same, there is something about how much Wendell seems to enjoy his massacre.

You know his brutal death is inevitable, but when it comes, you can’t do anything but cheer.

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Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.